



Chapter 1

Words of blessing with which Enoch blessed the righteous elect who will live in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and wicked will be rejected, while the righteous will be saved. Enoch, a righteous man to whom a vision of the Holy One and of heaven was revealed, spoke his oracle and said: The vision of the Holy One of heaven was revealed to me and I heard all the words of the Watchers and the Saints and because I heard them, I have learned. all of them and I have understood that I will not speak for this generation but for a distant one that is to come. It is about the elect that I speak and because of them that I pronounce my oracle: the One Great Saint will come from his dwelling place The eternal God will walk on the earth, on Mount Sinai he will appear with his great army and will emerge in the strength of his power from high in the heavens.

And all the Watchers will tremble and will be punished in secret places and all the ends of the earth will crack and fear and a great trembling will seize them to the ends of the earth. (James 2:19) The high mountains will break, and crumble and the hills will sink and melt, like wax before the flame. And the earth will be divided and everything that is on the earth will perish and there will be a judgment on everyone.

But with the righteous He will make peace and protect the elect and mercy will fall on them and all of them will belong to God, they will be happy and blessed, He will help them all and the light of God will shine on them. (4Es 2:35) Behold, He is coming with a multitude of His saints, to execute judgment on all and will destroy the wicked and punish all flesh for all their wicked works, which they have perversely committed and from all words haughty and harsh things that evil sinners have spoken against Him.

Chapter 2

Observe all the things that happen in heaven, how the luminaries of heaven do not change their route in the positions of their lights and how they all arise and set, each one ordered according to its season and do not disobey its order. (Ac 17:26,25) Look at the earth and pay attention to its works, from the beginning to the end, how no work of God on the earth changes, and they are all visible to you .See the signs of summer and the signs of winter, how the whole earth is filled with water and the clouds sprinkle rain on it.

Chapter 3

Observe and see how all the trees dry up and all their foliage falls; except fourteen trees whose foliage remains and wait with all their old leaves until new ones come after two or three years.

Chapter 4

And again, observe the signs of summer, how in it the sun burns and scorches and then on the burning surface of the earth you seek shade and shelter from the heat of the sun, without finding a way to walk either on the ground or on the rocks, because of the heat.

Chapter 5

Observe and see all the trees, how green leaves grow on all of them and cover them and all their fruits are for decoration and glory. Exalt and consider all these works and know how the living God, who lives eternally, He has done all those things. How all his works continue from year to year until forever and all obey him without alterations and everything happens as God has established. [And see how the seas and rivers in the same way fulfill and do not change their tasks, according to His commandments.] But, you change their tasks and do not fulfill their word and instead you have transgressed it and have outraged their greatness with words haughty and hurtful from your impure mouth. Hard of heart, there will be no peace for you! Therefore you will curse your days and the years of your life will be lost; but the years of your destruction will multiply like an eternal curse, and there will be no mercy or peace for you. In those days your names will mean eternal curse for all the righteous and in you all the cursed will be cursed and by you all the sinners and wicked will swear. For the elect there will be light, joy and peace and they will inherit the earth, but for you wicked there will be a curse. (Ps 37:11; Mt 5:4) And then wisdom will be given to the elect and they will all live and will not sin but neither from forgetfulness nor from pride, but instead those who are wise will be humble. They will not transgress anymore nor will they sin the rest of their life, nor will they die by punishment or by divine wrath, but they will complete the number of the days of their life. Your life will be increased in peace and your years of rejoicing will be multiplied in eternal joy and peace for all the days of your life.

Chapter 6

So it came to pass, that when in those days the sons of men multiplied, beautiful and pretty daughters were born to them; and the Watchers, sons of heaven, saw them and desired them, and said to one another: "Let us go and choose women from among the daughters of men and bear children." (Gen 6:1-4) Then Shemihaza, who was their boss, told them: "I am afraid that you do not want to carry out this action and that I am the only one responsible for a great sin." But they answered him: "Let us all take an oath and let us all commit ourselves under an anathema not to go back on this project until it is actually executed." Then they all swore together and committed themselves to each other in this regard, under anathema. And there were in all two hundred those who descended on the top of the mountain which they called "Hermon", because they had sworn on it and had mutually pledged themselves under anathema. These are the names of their chiefs: Shemihaza, who was the chief and in order in relation to him, Ar'taqof, Rama'el, Kokab'el, -'el, Ra'ma'el, Dani'el, Zeq' el, Baraq'el, 'Asa'el, Harmoni, Matra'el, 'Anan'el, Sato'el, Shamsi'el, Sahari'el, Tumi'el, Turi'el, Yomi'el, and Yehadi'el . These are the heads of ten.

Chapter 7

Everyone and their leaders took women for themselves and each one chose among them all and began to enter them and contaminate themselves with them, to teach them witchcraft, magic and cutting roots and to teach them about plants. They became pregnant with them and gave birth to giants about three thousand cubits high who were born on the earth and grew according to their childhood; and they devoured the work of all the children of men until humans could no longer supply them. Then, the giants turned against the humans to kill and devour them; (Ps 14:4; Mi 3:3) And they began to sin against all the birds of the air and against all the beasts of the earth, against the creeping things and against the fish of the sea, and they devoured each other's flesh and They drank blood. (Jer 12:4) Then the earth accused the wicked for everything that had been done in it. (Gen 6:5-11,13; Rev 12:16)

Chapter 8

And 'Asa'el taught the men to make iron swords and copper breastplates and showed them how gold is mined and worked until it was ready and Regarding silver, emboss it for bracelets and other ornaments. He taught the women about antimony, eye makeup, precious stones and dyes. And then much ungodliness grew and they took wrong paths and became corrupt in every way. Shemihaza taught incantations and cutting roots; Hermoni to break spells, witchcraft, magic and related skills; Baraq'el the signs of the rays; Kokab'el the omens of the stars; Zeq'el those of lightning; -'he taught the meanings; Ar'taqof taught the signs of the land; Shamsi'el the omens of the sun; and Sahari'el those of the moon, and they all began to reveal secrets to their wives. As part of the men were being annihilated, their scream rose to the sky. (Ex 3:7-9)

Chapter 9

Then Michael, Sariel, Raphael and Gabriel observed the earth from the sanctuary of heaven and saw much blood shed on the earth and it was all full of injustice and violence that was committed on she. Considering this, the four went and said to each other: "the cry and lamentation for the destruction of the children of the earth goes up to the gates of heaven." And they said to the saints in heaven: "It is now to you that the souls of the children of men plead, saying, 'Take our cause before the Most High, our destruction before majestic glory and before the Lord of all lords' as to majesty." And Raphael, Michael, Sariel and Gabriel said to the Lord of the world: "You are our great Lord, the Lord of the world, the God of gods, the Lord of lords and the King of kings; The heavens are the throne of your glory for all generations that have existed forever; The whole earth is the footstool before you forever, and your name is great, holy and blessed for all eternity. "It is you who created everything and in you resides power over all things; everything is revealed in all its nakedness before you; you see everything and nothing can be hidden from you. (1Ch 29:10-12, Heb4: 13) "You have seen what 'Asa'el has done, how he has taught all injustice on earth and revealed the eternal secrets that are fulfilled in heaven; and what Shemihaza, to whom you had given the power to rule over his companions, has taught humans. "They have gone to the daughters of men and have lain with them and have defiled themselves by revealing to them all sin. "Then these women have given birth to giants in the world, so that the earth has been filled with blood and injustice. (Gen 6:4,5,11) "And now behold, the souls of those who have died cry out and lament to the gates of heaven, and their groaning has risen and cannot cease because of the injustice that is being committed on earth." (Rev 6:10) "But you who know all things before they happen, you who know that, you tolerate them and do not tell us what we should do to them when we observe that." (Ha 1:2-4)

Chapter 10

Then the Most High, Great and Holy One spoke and sent Sariel to the son of Lamech. And he said to him: "Go to Noah and say to him in my name, 'Hide yourself'; and reveal to him the consummation that is coming, for the entire earth is going to perish, a flood is about to come over the entire earth and everything that is on it will perish. "Immediately teach the Just One, the son of Lamech, what he must do to preserve his soul for life and escape definitively, for by him a plant will be planted and all generations will be established." And furthermore, the Lord said to Raphael: "Chain 'Asa'el hand and foot, throw him into the darkness, open the desert that is in Dudael and throw him into it; throw rough and sharp stones on him, cover him with darkness , leave it there forever without it being able to see the light, and on the great day of Judgment let it be thrown into the fire. "Then heal the land that the Watchers have corrupted and announce its healing, so that they may be healed of the plague and May all the sons of men not be lost because of the mystery which the Watchers discovered and have taught their children. (Joel 2:22) "The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by 'Asa'el, so impute all sin to him." And the Lord said to Gabriel: "Proceed against the bastards and reprobate children of fornication and make the children of the Watchers disappear from among humans and make them enter into a war of destruction, for there will not be many days for them. "None petition in their favor will be granted, since they hope to live an eternal life or that each one lives five hundred years. And the Lord said to Michael: go and announce to Shemihaza and all his accomplices who joined themselves with women and defiled themselves with them in their impurity, that their children will perish and they will see the destruction of their loved ones! Chain them for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth until the great day of their judgment. (2P 2:4; Jude 6) "In those days they will be taken to the abyss of fire, to torments and to confinement in eternal prison. (Rev 20:10) "Whoever is condemned will be lost from then on. forward and will be chained with them until the destruction of his generation. And in the time of judgment that I will judge, they will perish throughout all generations. "Destroy all the spirits of the bastards and the children of the Watchers because they have done evil to humans "Destroy oppression from the face of the earth, make every work of impiety perish and make the plant of righteousness appear; She will be a blessing and the works of the righteous will be planted in joy forever. "At that time all the righteous will escape and live until they beget thousands. All the days of your youth and your old age will be completed in peace. "Then all the earth will be cultivated in righteousness and all of it will be planted with trees and filled with blessing. "All the trees of the earth that they desire will be planted in it and they will sow vineyards there and each one of them will produce a thousand jugs of wine and each seed will produce a thousand measures by one, and one measure of olives will produce ten winepresses of oil. "And clean you the land of all oppression, of all violence, of all sin, of all impiety and of all evil that occurs in it and make them disappear from the earth. "And all the sons of men will become righteous, and all nations will worship me, turn to me in prayer, and praise me. "And the earth will be cleansed from all corruption, from all sin, from all punishment, and from all pain. and I will not send any more plagues on the earth, to generations of generations and to all eternity.

Chapter 11

"And in those days, I will open the treasures of blessing that are in heaven, to bring them down to the earth, on the works and labor of the children of men "And peace and truth will be united all the days of the world and for all generations.

Chapter 12

Before those events Enoch had been hidden and there was no human who knew where he was hidden or where they are or what happened to him. (Gen 5:24; Si 44:16; Wis 4:10,11; Heb 11:5) He did all his actions with the Watchers and spent his days with the saints. Thus, I Enoch was beginning to bless the Lord of majesty, the King of the ages, and behold, the Watcher of the great Saint called me, Enoch the scribe, and said to me: "Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go to the Watchers of heaven who have abandoned the heights of heaven, the eternal holy place and who have defiled themselves with women doing as the sons of men do, and have taken women and wrought a great work of corruption on the earth, and do to them know that there will be no peace for them nor redemption from their sin. "And just as they rejoiced because of their children, they will see the death of their loved ones and will weep for the loss of their children and will plead eternally, but there will be no mercy or peace for them ".

Chapter 13

Then Enoch went away and said to 'Asa'el: "There will be no peace for you, a great judgment has been pronounced against you to bind you. "There will be no truce or intercession for you, because you have taught injustice and because of all the works of impiety, violence and sin that you have taught humans. And advancing I spoke to all of them and they all feared and were terrified and trembling took hold of them. They begged me to make a petition for them so that they could find forgiveness for their sins and to read it in the presence of the Lord from heaven. For since then they cannot speak to God or lift their eyes to heaven, because of shame for the crimes for which they were condemned. Then I wrote their prayer with all their requests for their souls and for each of their works and for what they all begged, that there be forgiveness and long life for them. I went and sat next to the waters of Dan, in the land of Dan, south of the Hermonin, on its western side, and I read the book in which I wrote down their requests, until I fell asleep. Behold, dreams came to me and visions fell on me until I arose my eyelids at the gates of the palace of heaven and I saw a vision of the rigor of punishment. And a voice came and said to me, "Speak to the children of heaven to rebuke them." When I woke up I went to them. They were all gathered together and sitting crying, at the Fountain of Weeping that is between Lebanon and Senir, with their faces covered. I recounted before them all the visions I had seen in dreams and began to speak with words of justice and vision and to rebuke the heavenly Watchers.

Chapter 14

This is the book of the words of truth and rebuke of the Watchers who have always existed as ordered by the Great Saint in the dream I had. In this vision I saw in my dream what I say now with the tongue of flesh, with the breath of my mouth, which the Great One has given to humans to speak with and to understand in their hearts. Just as God has created and appointed the children of men to understand the words of knowledge, so he has created, made and appointed me to rebuke the Watchers, the children of heaven. Watchers: I wrote your request and in a vision it was revealed to me that it will never be granted and that there will be judgment by decision and decree against you, that from now on you will not return to heaven and throughout the ages you will not ascend, because it has been decreed the sentence to chain you in the prisons of the earth for all eternity. But first you will see that all your loved ones will go to destruction with all their children, and you will not enjoy the riches of your loved ones and their children and they will fall in your presence by the sword of destruction. For neither your request for them nor their request for you will be granted. You will continue to ask and beg and while you cry do not utter a word of the text I have written. This was revealed to me in the vision: Behold, the clouds called to me, the mist shouted to me and the lightning and thunder urged me and sent me away, and in the vision the winds made me fly, lifted me up on high, carried me and carried me. They entered the heavens. I entered them until I reached the wall of a building built with hailstones, completely surrounded and fenced with tongues of fire that began to scare me. (Ac 2:3) I entered through those tongues of fire until I came to a large house built with hailstones whose walls. They were like plates of stone; All of them were made of snow and their floor was made of snow. Their roof was like lightning and thunder and between them cherubs of fire and their sky was made of water. A burning fire surrounded all its walls, completely surrounding them, and the doors were made of burning fire. I entered this house that was hot as fire and cold as snow. There were none of the pleasures of life in her. Fear consumed me and trembling took hold of me. Shivering and trembling, I fell on my face and a vision was revealed to me: Behold, I saw a door opening before me and another house that was larger than the previous one, built entirely with tongues of fire. All of it was superior to the other in splendor, glory and majesty, so much so that I cannot describe its splendor and majesty to you. Its floor was of fire and its upper part of thunder and lightning and its roof of burning fire. It was revealed to me and I saw in it a high throne whose appearance was that of crystal and whose outline was like the bright sun and I had a vision of a cherub. Rivers of burning fire came from above the throne and I couldn't resist looking there. The Great Glory was seated on the throne and her dress looked brighter than the sun and whiter than any snow; No angel could enter to see his face due to the magnificent Glory and no being of flesh could look at him. A burning fire surrounded Him and a great fire rose before Him. None of those around Him could approach Him and multitudes upon multitudes stood before Him and He needed no counselors. And the sanctities of the saints who were close to Him did not depart during the night nor were they separated from Him. Until this moment I was lying on my face, trembling, and the Lord by His own mouth called me and said to me: "Come here Enoch and listen to my Word." And one of the saints came to me, woke me up, made me get up and go to the door and I bowed my head down.

Chapter 15

And he answered me and spoke to me and I heard his voice: "Fear not Enoch, man of righteousness, scribe of righteousness; come near and listen to my voice. "Go and tell the Watchers of heaven that they have sent you to supplicate for them: 'It is up to you to intercede for humans and not to humans for you.' 'Why have you abandoned the high, holy and eternal heaven, have slept with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken wives like the sons of the earth and have begotten giant children?' 'You who were spiritual saints living an eternal life have stained yourselves with the blood of women and have begotten with the blood of the flesh and like the children of man you have desired afterward flesh and blood like those who die and perish'. "That is why I have given them women to impregnate them and bear children through them so that there will be no shortage of them on the earth. "'As for you, you were first spiritual, living an eternal life, immortal throughout all the generations of the world; For this reason women have not been attributed to you, since the abode of the spirits of heaven is heaven.'

"And now, the giants who have been born of the spirits and of the flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth and their dwelling will be on the earth. "The evil spirits come from their bodies, because they have been born from humans and from the saints Vigilantes is its beginning and primordial origin. Evil spirits will be on the earth and they will be called evil spirits. "The spirits of heaven have their home in heaven and the spirits of the earth that were generated on earth have their home on earth. "And the spirits of the giants, of the Nephilim, who afflict, oppress, invade, fight and they destroy on the earth and cause hardships, although they do not eat they are hungry and thirsty and cause damage. "These spirits will rise against the children of men and against women because they come from them.

Chapter 16

"After the death of the giants when the spirits have left their body, their flesh will be destroyed before the judgment. They will thus be destroyed until the day of the great consummation, of the great judgment in which time will end for the Watchers and wicked and you will be completely consummated. "And now, to the Watchers, who have sent you to supplicate for them, who once lived in heaven, say: 'You were in heaven but all the mysteries had not been revealed to you. You have known only one mystery unworthy and in the hardening of your heart you have communicated it to women and by that mystery they and men have multiplied evil on the earth.' "So tell them: 'You will not have peace.'"

Chapter 17

Then they took me to a place whose inhabitants are like burning fire, but when they wish they appear like humans. They took me to the house of the storm, on a mountain whose top touched the sky, and I saw the mansions of the luminaries and the treasures of the stars and thunder, at the ends of the abyss where the bow of fire, its arrows and quiver, the sword of fire and all the lightning are. Then they took me to the waters of life and to the fire of the west, which collected all the sunsets. I came to a river of fire whose flames flow like water and flow into the great sea that is next to the west; I saw great rivers and reached a great darkness and where no carnal being walks; I saw the mountains of winter darkness and the place where all the waters of the deep flow; and I saw the mouth of all the rivers of the earth and the mouth of the deep.

Chapter 18

I saw the treasures of the winds and saw that with them He has adorned all creation and the foundations of the earth; and I also saw the cornerstone of the earth and the four winds that support the earth and the firmament; I saw how the winds spread the veil of heaven on high and how they have their position between heaven and earth: they are the columns of heaven; I saw the winds that spin and lead through the orbits of the sun and the stars in their rooms; I saw the winds that hold the clouds above the earth; I saw the paths of angels; I saw at the ends of the earth the firmament on high. Then I went to the south and saw a place that burned day and night, where there were seven mountains of precious stones, three on the eastern side and three on the south side. Thus, among those that were in the east, one was made of multicolored stone, one was made of pearls, and the other was made of medicinal stones; and those that were in the south were made of red stone. The middle one rose to heaven like the throne of the Lord and the upper part of the throne was made of sapphire. I saw a burning fire, and beyond those mountains is a region where the great earth ends, and there the heavens culminate. Then a deep abyss was shown to me between columns of heavenly fire, and I saw in it columns of fire descending to the bottom and whose height and depth were immeasurable; and beyond this abyss I saw a place above which the firmament did not extend, under which there were also no foundations of the earth; on which there was neither water nor birds, but it was a deserted and terrible place. There I saw seven stars similar to great mountains, which were burning, and when I asked about this, the angel told me: "This place is the end of heaven and earth; it has become the prison of the stars and of the powers of the heaven. "The stars that roll on the fire are those that have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, from the beginning of their ascent, because they have not arrived at their due time; and He was angry with them and has chained them until the time of the consummation of their guilt forever, in the year of mystery."

Chapter 19

Then Sariel told me: "Here will be the Watchers who have connected themselves with women. Their spirits, assuming very different appearances, have become corrupted and have led humans astray to sacrifice to demons and gods, until the day of great judgment, when they will be judged and meet their end. "As for their women, those who were seduced by the Watchers, they will become calm." I Enoch, alone, have seen the vision, the end of all things and no human has seen what I have seen.

Chapter 20

Here are the names of the holy angels who watch: (Rev 8:2) Uriel, one of the holy angels, called the one of thunder and trembling; Raphael, another of the holy angels, that of the spirits of humans; (Tb 12:15) Ra'u'el, another of the holy angels, who takes revenge on the world of the luminaries; Michael, another of the holy angels, in charge of the best part of humanity and the people; (Dn 10:13,21, 12:1; Jude 9; Rev 12:7) Sariel, another of the holy angels, in charge of the spirits of the sons of men who sin in spirit; Gabriel; another of the holy angels, in charge of paradise, the snakes and the cherubs; (Dan 8:16, 9:21; Lk:1:19,26) (Gen 3:24; Ex 25:18-22; Ez 10:4-5) Remeiel, other of the holy angels, whom God has in charge of the resurrected. (Mt 28:2,5; Mc 16:5)

Chapter 21

Then I returned to where everything was chaotic; and there I saw something horrible: I saw neither heaven above nor solid ground, but a shapeless and terrible place. I saw there four stars of the sky chained together that looked like great mountains burning like fire. Then I asked: "For what sin are they chained and for what reason have they been thrown here?" Uriel the Watcher and the Saint who was with me and guided me, said to me: "Enoch, why do you ask and worry about the truth? This number of stars of the heavens are those that have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and have been chained. here until ten thousand years pass, the time imposed according to their sins. From there I passed to another place more terrible than the previous one and I saw something horrible: there was a great fire burning and flaming and the place had cracks to the abyss, full of descending columns of fire, but I could see neither their dimensions nor their magnitude nor would I make any conjectures. Then I said: "How frightful and terrible it is to look at this place!"

Answering me, Uriel the Watcher and the Saint, who was with me, said to me: "Enoch, why are you so afraid and frightened?" I replied: "It is because of this terrible place and because of the spectacle of suffering." And he told me: "This place is the prison of the angels and here they will be prisoners forever."

Chapter 22

From there I went somewhere else, to a mountain of hard rock; There were four deep, wide and very smooth wells. And I said, "How smooth these holes are and how deep and dark they look!" At that moment, Raphael the Watcher and the Saint, who was with me, responded by saying: "These cavities have been created for the following purpose: that the spirits of the souls of the dead can gather and that all the souls of the children of men gather there. So those are the pits that will serve as their prison; "They are made for such a thing, until the day in which they are judged until the time of the great judgment that will be done to them on the last day." (Ps 68: 19; Eph 4:9; 1P 3:19,20) I saw there the spirit of a dead man accusing, and his lamentation ascended to heaven, shouting and accusing. Then I asked Raphael the Watcher and the Saint, who was with me: "Who is this spirit that you are accusing that complains so much that it goes up to heaven shouting and accusing?" He answered me saying, "This is the spirit that came out of Abel, whom his brother Cain murdered; He accuses him until his seed is eliminated from the face of the earth and his seed disappears from the lineage of men." Then I asked, observing all the wells: "Why are they separated from each other?" He answered me saying: "Those three have been made so that the spirits of the dead can be separated. Thus, a division has been made for the spirits of the righteous, in which a fountain of living water flows forth. (John 4:14, 7:38) "And thus it has been done for sinners when they die and are buried, and no judgment has been executed against them in life. "Here their spirits will be set apart, for this great punishment, until the day of great judgment and punished and tormented forever those who deserve such retribution for their spirits. "This division has been separated for those who present their complaint and denounce their destruction when they were murdered in the days of sinners. This has also been made for the spirits of men who were not righteous but sinners, for all transgressors and accomplices. of transgression, that on the day of judgment they will be afflicted outside there, but they will not be resurrected from there." Then I blessed the Lord of Majesty and said: "Blessed be the judgment of justice and blessed be the Lord of Majesty and Justice who is the Lord of the world."

Chapter 23

From there I was transported to another place to the west, at the ends of the earth; I was shown a fire that ran without rest and without interrupting its course either day or night, remaining constant, meanwhile. I asked, saying: "What is this that has no rest?" Ra'u'el answered me: "The function of this fire that runs towards the west is to guide all the lights of heaven.

Chapter 24

And he showed me the mountains: the ground between them was of burning fire and flamed at night. I went there and saw seven magnificent mountains, different from each other and made of precious and beautiful stones, and they were all splendid, with a glorious and beautiful appearance: three in the east, leaning one against the other; and three in the south, one under the another; and I saw deep and winding ravines, none of which joined the others. The seventh mountain was in the middle of them all, surpassing them in height like a throne, surrounded by aromatic trees, among which was a tree whose I had never smelled perfume and there was no similar perfume among these or among the other trees: it exhales a fragrance superior to any and its leaves, flowers and wood never dry out, its fruit is beautiful and resembles palm dates. Then I said: ""What a beautiful tree! It is beautiful to look at, its foliage graceful and its fruit has a very pleasant appearance." Then, Michael the Watcher and saint, who was with me and who was in charge of those trees, he answered me.

Chapter 25

And he said to me: "Enoch, why do you ask me about the perfume of that tree and why do you want to know the truth?" Then I, Enoch, answered him thus: "I wish to learn everything, but especially about this tree. And he answered me saying: This high mountain that you have seen and whose top is like the throne of God, is his throne, where the Great Saint, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit when he comes down to visit the earth with kindness. ."No being of flesh is permitted to touch this aromatic tree, until the great judgment when He will take revenge on all and bring all things to their consummation forever, but then it will be given to the righteous and the humble."Its fruit will serve as food for the elect and will be transplanted to the holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King. Then they will rejoice and be glad; They will enter the holy place and the fragrance will penetrate their bones; and they will live a long life, just as their ancestors lived. In their days no suffering or plague or torment or calamity will touch them." Then I blessed the God of Glory, the Eternal King, because He had prepared such things for humans, for the righteous. These things He has created and promised to give them to them.

Chapter 26

I was taken from there to the center of the earth and I saw a blessed place in which there were trees whose branches were constantly sprouting. There a holy mountain was shown to me, and water came out from under the mountain, from the east and descending towards the south. And I saw to the east another mountain higher than that one and between them a deep and narrow canyon through which the water that came out of the mountain ran. And to the west another mountain, lower than the previous one, not very high, and below, between the two, a deep and dry hollow, and another hollow between the three mountains. They were all deep ravines of hard rock and there were no trees planted in them. I marveled at the mountains, and I was amazed at the ravines, I It was too surprising.

Chapter 27

Then I said, "Why is this land blessed and full of trees and in the middle are these cursed ravines?" Then Sariel, the Watcher and the saint, who was with me, answered me and said: "This cursed ravine is for those who are cursed forever; there will be gathered all the cursed who with their mouth utter unseemly words against the Lord and offend His Glory, there they will be gathered and there will be the place of their judgment. (2P 2:10; Jude 15) In the last times the spectacle of judgment will be performed on them in justice, in the presence of the righteous forever; there the mercy and the blessing of the Lord of Glory and the Eternal King. On the day of judgment on the former, they will bless him for the mercy he has reserved for them. Then I blessed the Lord of Glory, promulgated his Glory and praised his greatness.

Chapter 28

I went from there to the east, in the middle of the desert mountain range and I saw the desert: it was lonely and full of trees and plants; water gushed from above, rushing like a mighty river that flowed towards the northwest carrying water and dew through everywhere.

Chapter 29

From there I went to another place in the desert and went far away, towards the east of this place. There I saw wild trees that exuded perfumes of incense and myrrh and their fruits were similar to nuts.

Chapter 30

And beyond them, I went far to the east and saw another great place, with valleys of many waters, in which there were sweet aromatic reeds similar to mastic; and on the banks of these valleys I saw the fragrant cinnamon. And beyond these valleys I went away towards the east.

Chapter 31

Other mountains were shown to me and in them I also saw trees from which came the resin called tsaru and galbanum. Beyond all the trees all the trees were full of resin that was similar to the bark of the almond tree. When these trees are cracked, a perfumed smell comes out of them and when the bark is ground, they are superior to any perfume.

Chapter 32

Beyond such mountains, towards the northeast of them, other mountains were shown to me, full of choice spikenard, mastic, cardamom and pepper. From there I continued towards the east of all these mountains, far from them, to the east of the land, I was carried over the Red Sea and went far away from it, I passed over the darkness, far from it; and I was brought to the side of the Paradise of Justice, and trees were shown to me from afar, trees exceedingly numerous and large, different from one another. I saw there a tree that was different from all the others, very large, beautiful and magnificent, the tree of wisdom, those who eat its fruit learn great wisdom. The tree is as tall as a fir, its leaves resemble those of the carob tree and its fruit is like a bunch of grapes, very pretty; and the fragrance of that tree penetrates very far. And I said: "How beautiful this tree is and how attractive it is to look at!" Remeiel the Watcher and the saint, who was with me, answered me and said: "It is the tree of wisdom, from which your first father and your first mother ate and learned wisdom and their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked, and they were expelled from the Garden of Eden."

Chapter 33

From there I went to the ends of the earth and there I saw great beasts different from each other and also birds that differed in their appearance, beauty and trills. To the east of those beasts, I saw the end of the earth, where the sky rests, and where the portals of heaven open. I saw how the stars of the heavens are born and the portals from which they come, and I noted the departures of each of the stars, according to their number, name, course and position and according to their time and months, as Uriel, one of the Watchers. And he showed me and wrote for me everything, he even wrote for me their names according to their times.

Chapter 34

From there I was transported to the northern extremity of the earth and great works were shown to me: I saw three doors of heaven open; Through each of them come the north winds and when they blow there is cold, hail, frost, snow, dew and rain. If they come out through just one of the doors, they blow for good; but when they blow through the other two it is with violence and calamity on the earth because they blow with force.

Chapter 35

And from there I went to the western end of the earth and saw three doors of heaven open, the same number of doors and exits that I had seen in the east.

Chapter 36

From there I was transported to the southern extremity of the earth and there I was shown its three open doors of the south wind: for dew, rain and wind. And from there I was transported to the eastern limit of heaven, and I saw the three eastern doors open, the three eastern doors of heaven and above them small doors. Through each of these small doors the stars of heaven pass and run along the course laid out for them. towards the west. Seeing this I blessed the Lord of Glory all the time, and I will continue to bless the Lord of Glory, who has performed great and magnificent wonders to show the greatness of his work to the angels, spirits and humans, so that they can praise that work, all his creation, so that they can see the manifestation of his power and praise the great work of his hands and bless him forever.


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